Who Wrote Folsom

As I did for Essex, I've used Jonathan Corbet's gitdm to do some analysis of the commits to the core projects during Folsom.

Here's the top 20 committers across Nova, Glance, Swift, Keystone, Horizon, Quantum and Cinder:

Processed 3110 csets from 291 developers 132 employers found A total of 350046 lines added, 275491 removed (delta 74555)

Developers with the most changesets
Russell Bryant 160 (5.1%)
Brian Waldon 160 (5.1%)
Dan Prince 154 (5.0%)
Gabriel Hurley 124 (4.0%)
Mark McLoughlin 118 (3.8%)
Johannes Erdfelt 113 (3.6%)
Vishvananda Ishaya 92 (3.0%)
Joe Gordon 85 (2.7%)
Michael Still 71 (2.3%)
Eoghan Glynn 70 (2.3%)
Rick Harris 59 (1.9%)
Gary Kotton 58 (1.9%)
Dolph Mathews 55 (1.8%)
Yun Mao 50 (1.6%)
John Griffith 45 (1.4%)
Daniel P. Berrange 45 (1.4%)
Dan Wendlandt 43 (1.4%)
gholt 40 (1.3%)
Rongze Zhu 39 (1.3%)
Alex Meade 39 (1.3%)
Covers 52.090032% of changesets

Congrats and thanks to everyone involved in this release!

There are more raw stats here showing stats for each project individually and also statistics for gerrit reviewers and launchpad bug fixers.

Of course, this is nowhere near as polished as Bitergia's awesome report with pretty graphs and detailed analysis.
